Saturday, May 14, 2011

mmmm couches

We have a different couch now (as you might already know), one that doesn't splosh the sitters out onto the floor. I'm sitting on it as I write this, enjoying the couchiness of it. I like couches. They are important.

The cat there is Nora. She saw me walk out of my room and was unsure whether to flee or stay perfectly still in hopes that I wouldn't notice her. The poor dear. She's gotten so much better during her time living with us. I can just imagine her saying "Oh! Oh my Goodness! Oh Me! Oh My!"... pretty much most of the time.

The cushion behind the couch there are the remnants of the old couch. They are sitting outside at the moment, waiting more me to figure out how to make them less full of allergins, and then I will fix their old cover and do something clever with them.

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