I want a long handled spoons to carry with me everywhere. The origional spoon is gone. I've lost it many times and it has always made it's way back to me. But now it is really gone. I can't even find a replacement on the internet. But there are, and will be other spoons. Oh yes. Because spoons are important.
More about this later. When I feel like it. Right now I need to plan another adventure, me and my current spoon.
Here I am, in search of my spoon. To aid my seach, I have a rather large wrench
I grew up in Georgia, moved to Berkeley when I was 14, and have lived here for 7 years, with the exception of about a year in suburban New York for college. I may move around some more... I've been wanting to start a photo blog for a while, because I think in pictures, more than in words.
I feel like this view is from above our ceiling.