Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sorry for not posting.

It's not that I haven't been taking pictures, it's that I am lazy. I do want to post everyday, but I'm bad at managing my time. I think it would be good if there was an expectation of me, and if I had more readership. I think I should move to LJ... maybe I'll post both places?



    Congrats, now every time you post here, it will be posted on LJ. :)

    I'd love to see more of what you're up to, how you are perceiving the world around you, what moves you.

    Perhaps twice a week? (ie. two pictures per week of *something*, no words or explanation needed if that makes posting easier.)

    I'm not sure if you use firefox, but perhaps something like scribefire would help. (


  2. so you made an lj feed of my blog at one point... how does that work? Are you the admin of the lj feed?
